
Harryfest 2002

Bracha and Roger Smith were the hosts of Harryfest 2002 in Orlando, Florida. The event was held at the Rosen Plaza hotel.


Setting Up


Registration Table with Welcome Bags



Memorabilia and Artwork on Display

Friday, June 14, Welcome to Harryfest

The convention began on Friday, June 14, with a "Welcome to Harryfest" event.


Friday, June 14, Photo Ops

Roger Smith Poses with Arrow, Oblio and Other Denizens of the Land of Point!


Bracha Smith


Friday, June 14, Socializing

On Friday night, we gathered across the hall from the display room for the "Friday Night Social."


Terry Lowe and Rich Gierman


Terry Lowe, Rich Gierman, Sue Lang, and Tony Lang


Friday, June 14, Socializing

Doug Grose, Randall Smith, Roger Smith, Ted Parkinson, Sue Schnelzer, and Gary Nilsson

Friday, June 14, Friday Night Social

Jewel Reid, Mark Reid, Robert Wilson, and Jamie Postle

Friday, June 14, In the Display Room

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Gary Nilsson
Roger Smith
Harryfest 2002
May 6 - Breakfast