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Yo Dodger Blue, LA Loves You to NPR in 14 Steps

  1. Yo Dodger Blue, LA Loves You was written by Harry Nilsson
  2. Harry Nilsson wrote Together
  3. Together was recorded by Clodagh Rodgers
  4. Clodagh Rodgers was born on March 5
  5. March 5 is the birthday of Jeff Garlin
  6. Jeff Garlin was born on June 5
  7. June 5 is the birthday of Pancho Villa
  8. Pancho Villa actors include Telly Savalas
  9. Telly Savalas recorded Without Her
  10. Without Her was covered by Glen Campbell
  11. Glen Campbell was a member of Sagittarius
  12. Sagittarius recorded I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City
  13. I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City was covered by Ron Sexsmith
  14. Ron Sexsmith performed "I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City" on NPR