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Jane Getz to John Farnham in 12 Steps

  1. Jane Getz was born on September 12
  2. September 12 is the birthday of Gerry Beckley
  3. Gerry Beckley wrote I Need You
  4. I Need You was written by Harry Nilsson
  5. Harry Nilsson played piano for Nilsson Schmilsson
  6. Nilsson Schmilsson includes guitar played by Caleb Quaye
  7. Caleb Quaye was born on October 9
  8. October 9 is the birthday of John Lennon
  9. John Lennon wrote She's Leaving Home
  10. She's Leaving Home was arranged by George Tipton
  11. George Tipton arranged One
  12. One was covered by John Farnham