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I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City to Living Without You in 11 Steps

  1. I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City was covered by Cynthia Henderson
  2. Cynthia Henderson recorded One
  3. One was covered by Brass Bed With Allison Bohl
  4. Brass Bed With Allison Bohl recorded Don't Forget Me
  5. Don't Forget Me was written by Harry Nilsson
  6. Harry Nilsson sang Subterranean Homesick Blues
  7. Subterranean Homesick Blues features guitar played by Danny Kootch
  8. Danny Kootch played guitar for Loop de Loop
  9. Loop de Loop features drums played by Jim Keltner
  10. Jim Keltner played drums for Randy Newman
  11. Randy Newman wrote Living Without You