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Assa Drori to The Incredible Hulk in 11 Steps

  1. Assa Drori played violin for ...That's the Way It Is
  2. ...That's the Way It Is includes guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  3. Dennis Budimir played guitar for Drumming is My Madness
  4. Drumming is My Madness features drums played by Jim Keltner
  5. Jim Keltner played drums for Brian Wilson
  6. Brian Wilson recorded This Could Be the Night
  7. This Could Be the Night was written by Harry Nilsson
  8. Harry Nilsson wrote Mrs. Livingston I Presume
  9. Mrs. Livingston I Presume is heard in The Courtship of Eddie's Father
  10. The Courtship of Eddie's Father featured Bill Bixby
  11. Bill Bixby starred in The Incredible Hulk