The Ice Storm

The Ice Storm is a 1997 American independent drama film directed by Ang Lee and written by James Schamus. Based on Rick Moody's 1994 novel of the same name and set during Thanksgiving 1973 in New Canaan, Connecticut, the film features an ensemble cast of Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ricci, Elijah Wood, Katie Holmes, Glenn Fitzgerald, Jamey Sheridan and Sigourney Weaver as two neighbouring, dysfunctional upper-class families seeking escapism through alcohol, adultery, and sexual experimentation. The film opened in the United States on September 27, 1997. Its limited release ultimately grossed US$8 million on a budget of US$18 million. Critical response to the film was positive, and it was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival, where Schamus received the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Screenplay. Among other accolades, Weaver won the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

Title Summary
The Ice Storm [1997] | Artist: Various Artists
The Ice Storm ... New England families in 1973. The Ice Storm won the ...


Title Summary
Coconut ... in the critically acclaimed The Ice Storm . It also ...
The Ice Storm ... New England families in 1973. The Ice Storm won the ...

Connection Chains
