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Spaceman to Rine Geveke in 17 Steps

  1. Spaceman was published by Blackwood Music
  2. Blackwood Music published The Moonbeam Song
  3. The Moonbeam Song was covered by Cynthia Henderson
  4. Cynthia Henderson recorded Gotta Get Up
  5. Gotta Get Up is heard in Russian Doll
  6. Russian Doll was on Netflix in 2019 on February 1
  7. February 1 is the birthday of Bill Mumy
  8. Bill Mumy starred in Bless the Beasts and Children
  9. Bless the Beasts and Children featured music by Perry Botkin
  10. Perry Botkin arranged Something True
  11. Something True was produced by Harry Nilsson
  12. Harry Nilsson produced Mother Nature's Son
  13. Mother Nature's Son was arranged by George Tipton
  14. George Tipton arranged Escape Possible
  15. Escape Possible was published by Six Continents Music
  16. Six Continents Music published Goeie Ouwe Plee
  17. Goeie Ouwe Plee by Willem Nijholt was produced by Rine Geveke