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Mick Mars to Living Without You in 15 Steps

  1. Mick Mars was a member of Motley Crue
  2. Motley Crue members include Nikki Sixx
  3. Nikki Sixx was born on December 11
  4. December 11 is the birthday of Erik Preminger
  5. Erik Preminger is a child of Otto Preminger
  6. Otto Preminger directed Skidoo
  7. Skidoo starred Carol Channing
  8. Carol Channing was born on January 31
  9. January 31 is the birthday of Christian Nesmith
  10. Christian Nesmith is the son of Michael Nesmith
  11. Michael Nesmith sang The Door into Summer
  12. The Door into Summer has backing vocals by Harry Nilsson
  13. Harry Nilsson sang Sail Away
  14. Sail Away was written by Randy Newman
  15. Randy Newman wrote Living Without You