Gilligan's Island
Gilligan's Island is an American sitcom created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz. The show's ensemble cast features Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., Jim Backus, Natalie Schafer, Tina Louise, Russell Johnson, and Dawn Wells. It aired for three seasons on the CBS network from September 26, 1964, to April 17, 1967. The series follows the comic adventures of seven castaways as they try to survive on an island where they are shipwrecked. Most episodes revolve around the dissimilar castaways' conflicts and their unsuccessful attempts to escape their plight, with the ship's first mate, Gilligan, usually being responsible for the failures. Gilligan's Island ran for 98 episodes. All 36 episodes of the first season were filmed in black and white and were later colorized for syndication. The show's second and third seasons (62 episodes) and the three television film sequels (broadcast between 1978 and 1982) were filmed in color. Gilligan's Island received solid ratings during its original run and grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and '80s, when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon.
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Gilligan's Island", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
Title | Summary | |
Rick Jarrard | ... songs for TV shows such as Gilligan's Island and Davy ... |
Connection Chains
- From 1938 Graham to Gilligan's Island in 16 Steps
- From Jim Hoke to Gilligan's Island in 16 Steps
- From Peter Frampton to Gilligan's Island in 14 Steps
- From A Thousand Miles Away to Gilligan's Island in 13 Steps
- From Dave Clark Five to Gilligan's Island in 13 Steps
- From Man Wasn't Meant To Fly to Gilligan's Island in 13 Steps
- From Harry Nilsson to Gilligan's Island in 12 Steps
- From EMI Blackwood Music to Gilligan's Island in 12 Steps
- From Maybe to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From Jeff Barry to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From Drumming is My Madness to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From Mrs. Livingston I Presume to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From This Could Be the Night to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From Pussy Cats to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From There Will Never Be to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From Harry Nilsson to Gilligan's Island in 11 Steps
- From So Long Dad to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Blackwood Music to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From 6 to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Klaus Voormann to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From John Farnham to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Shady Lane to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Let's Put Harry in the Hall L A Recording Session to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From John Lennon to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Harry Nilsson to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- From Life is a Rock to Gilligan's Island in 10 Steps
- The Wellingtons recorded the theme song for Gilligan's Island