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You're Sixteen to So Proud of You in 12 Steps

  1. You're Sixteen features guitar played by Vini Poncia
  2. Vini Poncia wrote Lady Gaye
  3. Lady Gaye features drums played by Jim Keltner
  4. Jim Keltner played drums for Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
  5. Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga was published by Blackwood Music
  6. Blackwood Music published Everything's Got 'Em
  7. Everything's Got 'Em was sung by Harry Nilsson
  8. Harry Nilsson wrote Born In Grenada
  9. Born In Grenada was published by Robin Hood Music Co.
  10. Robin Hood Music Co. published So Proud of You
  11. So Proud of You was recorded by Vivian Roberts
  12. Vivian Roberts recorded So Proud of You