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Wilbert Nuttycombe to Bernard McKenna in 12 Steps

  1. Wilbert Nuttycombe played violin for Aerial Ballet
  2. Aerial Ballet includes guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  3. Dennis Budimir played guitar for Duit on Mon Dei
  4. Duit on Mon Dei includes drums played by Jim Keltner
  5. Jim Keltner played drums for George Harrison
  6. George Harrison attended the funeral of Harry Nilsson
  7. Harry Nilsson sang Early In The Morning
  8. Early In The Morning was written by Louis Jordan
  9. Louis Jordan was born on July 8
  10. July 8 is the birthday of Marty Feldman
  11. Marty Feldman appears in Yellowbeard
  12. Yellowbeard was written by Bernard McKenna