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The Shining to Good For God in 11 Steps

  1. The Shining featured Shelley Duvall
  2. Shelley Duvall was born on July 7
  3. July 7 is the birthday of Ringo Starr
  4. Ringo Starr sang Only You
  5. Only You features drums played by Jim Keltner
  6. Jim Keltner played drums for Bob Dylan
  7. Bob Dylan wrote Subterranean Homesick Blues
  8. Subterranean Homesick Blues features saxophone played by Trevor Lawrence
  9. Trevor Lawrence played sax for Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
  10. Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga was published by Blackwood Music
  11. Blackwood Music published Good For God