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Sneaky Pete to January 20 in 12 Steps

  1. Sneaky Pete created the dinosaurs in the movie Caveman
  2. Caveman featured Barbara Bach
  3. Barbara Bach married Ringo Starr
  4. Ringo Starr played percussion for Duit on Mon Dei
  5. Duit on Mon Dei includes piano played by Dr. John
  6. Dr. John played piano for Aerial Pandemonium Ballet
  7. Aerial Pandemonium Ballet includes bass played by Lyle Ritz
  8. Lyle Ritz played bass for Aerial Ballet
  9. Aerial Ballet was recorded by Harry Nilsson
  10. Harry Nilsson is the grandson of Charles Harry Nilsson
  11. Charles Harry Nilsson is the father of Harry Edward Nilsson, Jr.
  12. Harry Edward Nilsson, Jr. was born on January 20