Ringo Starr to Michael Damian in 14 Steps
- Ringo Starr played percussion for Pussy Cats
- Pussy Cats includes saxophone played by Bobby Keys
- Bobby Keys played sax for Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
- Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga features bass played by Klaus Voormann
- Klaus Voormann played bass for Duit on Mon Dei
- Duit on Mon Dei includes drums played by Jim Keltner
- Jim Keltner played drums for Old Dirt Road
- Old Dirt Road has backing vocals by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson appeared in The Wacko Saturday Morning Preview and Other Good Stuff Special
- The Wacko Saturday Morning Preview and Other Good Stuff Special features an appearance by Gary Owens
- Gary Owens wrote liner notes for Skidoo
- Skidoo starred John Phillip Law
- John Phillip Law appeared in The Young and the Restless
- The Young and the Restless cast includes Michael Damian