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One to Joseph McCarthy in 10 Steps

  1. One was produced by Rick Jarrard
  2. Rick Jarrard produced Miss Butter's Lament
  3. Miss Butter's Lament was written by Joseph Segarini
  4. Joseph Segarini is also known as Bob Segarini
  5. Bob Segarini was introduced to Harry Nilsson in 1965 by Patty Faralla
  6. Patty Faralla introduced Harry Nilsson to Derek Taylor
  7. Derek Taylor produced Nevertheless (I'm In Love With You)
  8. Nevertheless (I'm In Love With You) was arranged by Gordon Jenkins
  9. Gordon Jenkins arranged You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It)
  10. You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It) was written by Joseph McCarthy