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Loop de Loop to Willie Dixon in 12 Steps

  1. Loop de Loop features drums played by Ringo Starr
  2. Ringo Starr played drums for Drumming is My Madness
  3. Drumming is My Madness features guitar played by Richie Zito
  4. Richie Zito played guitar for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  5. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features drums played by Jim Keltner
  6. Jim Keltner played drums for Linda Ronstadt
  7. Linda Ronstadt dated Albert Brooks
  8. Albert Brooks was friends with Harry Nilsson
  9. Harry Nilsson wrote Black Sails In The Moonlight
  10. Black Sails In The Moonlight was produced by John Lennon
  11. John Lennon produced Too Many Cooks
  12. Too Many Cooks was written by Willie Dixon