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Loop de Loop to I'd Rather Be Dead in 12 Steps

  1. Loop de Loop was produced by John Lennon
  2. John Lennon produced Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
  3. Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga features drums played by Jim Keltner
  4. Jim Keltner played drums for Linda Ronstadt
  5. Linda Ronstadt dated Albert Brooks
  6. Albert Brooks wrote Party from Outer Space
  7. Party from Outer Space was sung by Harry Nilsson
  8. Harry Nilsson sang Nobody Cares about the Railroads Anymore
  9. Nobody Cares about the Railroads Anymore was recorded by Cynthia Henderson
  10. Cynthia Henderson recorded Take 54
  11. Take 54 was published by EMI Blackwood Music
  12. EMI Blackwood Music published I'd Rather Be Dead