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John Lennon to Michael Nesmith in 12 Steps

  1. John Lennon produced Don't Forget Me
  2. Don't Forget Me by Joe Cocker features piano played by Nicky Hopkins
  3. Nicky Hopkins played piano for You're Sixteen
  4. You're Sixteen features bass played by Klaus Voormann
  5. Klaus Voormann played bass for All My Life
  6. All My Life was published by Blackwood Music
  7. Blackwood Music published The Flying Saucer Song
  8. The Flying Saucer Song was written by Harry Nilsson
  9. Harry Nilsson wrote Gentlemen Friend
  10. Gentlemen Friend was published by Six Continents Music
  11. Six Continents Music published Rainmaker
  12. Rainmaker features guitar played by Michael Nesmith