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Jim Keltner to Twentieth Century-Fox Music Corp. in 10 Steps

  1. Jim Keltner played drums for Back Off Boogaloo
  2. Back Off Boogaloo features bass played by Dennis Belfield
  3. Dennis Belfield played bass for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  4. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was produced by Harry Nilsson
  5. Harry Nilsson was one of the Hollywood Vampires
  6. Hollywood Vampires was a celebrity drinking club started by Alice Cooper
  7. Alice Cooper appeared in an episode of Something Wilder
  8. Something Wilder featured Gene Wilder
  9. Gene Wilder wrote Ain't It Kinda Wonderful
  10. Ain't It Kinda Wonderful was published by Twentieth Century-Fox Music Corp.