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Jeff Porcaro to Jesus Christ You're Tall in 11 Steps

  1. Jeff Porcaro played drums for Joe Cocker's recording of Don't Forget Me
  2. Don't Forget Me by Joe Cocker features piano played by Nicky Hopkins
  3. Nicky Hopkins played piano for You're Sixteen
  4. You're Sixteen features drums played by Jim Keltner
  5. Jim Keltner played drums for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  6. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features drums played by Ringo Starr
  7. Ringo Starr produced The End (Moonbeam)
  8. The End (Moonbeam) was published by Blackwood Music
  9. Blackwood Music published The Flying Saucer Song
  10. The Flying Saucer Song was arranged by The Band
  11. The Band arranged Jesus Christ You're Tall