Dennis Belfield to Carol Channing in 13 Steps
- Dennis Belfield played bass for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
- Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features trombone played by Bruce Paulson
- Bruce Paulson played trombone for Drumming is My Madness
- Drumming is My Madness was produced by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson sang I'll Be Home
- I'll Be Home was written by Randy Newman
- Randy Newman played piano for Cowboy
- Cowboy was published by Unichappell Music
- Unichappell Music published Rainmaker
- Rainmaker was covered by Michael Nesmith
- Michael Nesmith is a parent of Christian Nesmith
- Christian Nesmith was born on January 31
- January 31 is the birthday of Carol Channing