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Carole King to Mel Brooks in 12 Steps

  1. Carole King was on the cover of Time with Roberta Flack
  2. Roberta Flack was on the cover of Time with Harry Nilsson
  3. Harry Nilsson wrote Drumming is My Madness
  4. Drumming is My Madness features guitar played by Richie Zito
  5. Richie Zito played guitar for Back Off Boogaloo
  6. Back Off Boogaloo features drums played by Ringo Starr
  7. Ringo Starr played percussion for Duit on Mon Dei
  8. Duit on Mon Dei includes drums played by Jim Keltner
  9. Jim Keltner played drums for Neil Diamond
  10. Neil Diamond attended high school with Barbra Streisand
  11. Barbra Streisand was born in Brooklyn, New York
  12. Brooklyn, New York is the birthplace of Mel Brooks