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Back Off Boogaloo to Kojak Columbo in 13 Steps

  1. Back Off Boogaloo features piano played by Jane Getz
  2. Jane Getz played piano for Loop de Loop
  3. Loop de Loop features guitar played by Danny Kootch
  4. Danny Kootch played guitar for All My Life
  5. All My Life was produced by John Lennon
  6. John Lennon was a member of the Beatles
  7. The Beatles recorded She's Leaving Home
  8. She's Leaving Home was arranged by George Tipton
  9. George Tipton arranged Ten Little Indians
  10. Ten Little Indians was written by Harry Nilsson
  11. Harry Nilsson sang Blanket for a Sail
  12. Blanket for a Sail was published by Golden Syrup Music
  13. Golden Syrup Music published Kojak Columbo