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David Cohen to July 6 in 11 Steps

  1. David Cohen played guitar for Harry
  2. Harry includes bass played by Larry Knechtel
  3. Larry Knechtel played piano for Aerial Ballet
  4. Aerial Ballet includes piano played by Michael Melvoin
  5. Michael Melvoin played piano for Aerial Pandemonium Ballet
  6. Aerial Pandemonium Ballet includes cello played by Jesse Ehrlich
  7. Jesse Ehrlich played cello for ...That's the Way It Is
  8. ...That's the Way It Is includes keyboards played by Van Dyke Parks
  9. Van Dyke Parks played piano for Duit on Mon Dei
  10. Duit on Mon Dei includes saxophone played by Gene Cipriano
  11. Gene Cipriano was born on July 6