Camp Candy
Camp Candy is an animated television series produced by DIC Animation City, Saban Entertainment and Worldvision Enterprises, in association with Frostbacks Productions, with comedian John Candy providing the voice for an animated version of himself. Thirteen new episodes ran in syndication in the 1992 season, distributed by Worldvision Enterprises, along with repeats of the previous episodes. The series was later rerun on the Fox Family cable channel from 1998 to 2001.
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Camp Candy", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
Title | Summary | |
Camp Candy | ... theme song for John Candy's "Camp Candy " - a Saturday ... | |
Camp Candy | "Camp Candy" was an animated TV series starring John Candy ... |
Title | Summary | |
Camp Candy | "Camp Candy" was an animated TV series starring John Candy ... | |
Camp Candy | ... theme song for John Candy's "Camp Candy " - a Saturday ... |
Connection Chains
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- From Camp Candy to Sid and Marty Krofft in 9 Steps
- From Loop de Loop to Camp Candy in 8 Steps
- From You've Got Mail to Camp Candy in 8 Steps
- From Everything's Got 'Em to Camp Candy in 8 Steps
- From Bobby Keys to Camp Candy in 7 Steps
- From Good Old Desk to Camp Candy in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Charles Gould in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Danny Kootch in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Jennifer Trynin in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to John Uribe in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Omerit Hield in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Playboy After Dark in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Richie Snare in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Robert Sherman in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Samuel E. Wright in 7 Steps
- From Camp Candy to A Toot and a Snore in 6 Steps
- From Camp Candy to Bongo Rock in 6 Steps
- From 200 Motels to Camp Candy in 6 Steps
- From When You Wish Upon a Star to Camp Candy in 6 Steps
- From Courtship of Eddie's Father - Background Cues to Camp Candy in 6 Steps
- From Daylight Has Caught Me to Camp Candy in 6 Steps
- Camp Candy was written by Harry Nilsson
- Camp Candy was sung by John Candy
- Camp Candy was produced by Tony Martin Jr.
- Harry Nilsson wrote Camp Candy
- John Candy sang Camp Candy
- Tony Martin Jr. produced Camp Candy