Bruce Paulson to Also Sprach Schmilsson Schmixon in 14 Steps
- Bruce Paulson played trombone for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
- Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features bass played by Dennis Belfield
- Dennis Belfield played bass for Drumming is My Madness
- Drumming is My Madness was produced by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson sang Garbage Can Ballet
- Garbage Can Ballet was published by Six Continents Music
- Six Continents Music published The Wailing of the Willow
- The Wailing of the Willow was arranged by George Tipton
- George Tipton arranged Aerial Pandemonium Ballet
- Aerial Pandemonium Ballet includes guitar played by Mike Deasy
- Mike Deasy played guitar for Bongo Rock
- Bongo Rock was produced by Michael Viner
- Michael Viner produced the 1973 inaugural ball for Richard Nixon
- Richard Nixon is heard in Also Sprach Schmilsson Schmixon