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Blanket for a Sail to Walking on Thin Ice in 11 Steps

  1. Blanket for a Sail was arranged by Mike McNaught
  2. Mike McNaught arranged Lean On Me
  3. Lean On Me was published by Golden Syrup Music
  4. Golden Syrup Music published Kojak Columbo
  5. Kojak Columbo was written by Harry Nilsson
  6. Harry Nilsson wrote Drumming is My Madness
  7. Drumming is My Madness features guitar played by Fred Tackett
  8. Fred Tackett played guitar for Back Off Boogaloo
  9. Back Off Boogaloo features drums played by Jim Keltner
  10. Jim Keltner played drums for Elvis Costello
  11. Elvis Costello recorded a cover of Walking on Thin Ice