1 Fuck You
The Melvins cover of Harry Nilsson's "You're Breakin' My Heart" changes the lyrics to remove all traces of the self-blame and contrition that are in Nilsson's original version.
You're kicking my ass
You're breaking my bass
So fuck you
You won't drive my car
Might be a star
So fuck you
This is our Harry Nilsson cover, which was a no-brainer. His song was called ‘You’re Breakin' My Heart.’ According to the documentary about him, he wrote it about his ex-wife. Nilsson was a strange cat - he never played live. This was a song that I’ve wanted to cover for a long time, and I changed the lyrics to be as offensive as possible. We really liked the beginning with us screaming, ‘Fuck you!’ so we decided to isolate that for the second song. If you take the two ‘Brian’ tracks, ‘Boy Mike,’ and the two ‘F**k Yous,’ it’s like a nice little EP in the middle of the album.
-- Buzz Osborne [1]
- [1] Source: Apple Music