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Think About Your Troubles to Dom DeLuise in 15 Steps

  1. Think About Your Troubles was published by Six Continents Music
  2. Six Continents Music published Good Old Desk
  3. Good Old Desk was produced by Rick Jarrard
  4. Rick Jarrard produced Escape Possible
  5. Escape Possible was written by Harry Nilsson
  6. Harry Nilsson sang Early In The Morning
  7. Early In The Morning was written by Louis Jordan
  8. Louis Jordan was born on July 8
  9. July 8 is the birthday of Marty Feldman
  10. Marty Feldman appears in In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion)
  11. In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion) features an appearance by Peter Boyle
  12. Peter Boyle starred in Young Frankenstein
  13. Young Frankenstein featured Gene Wilder
  14. Gene Wilder directed The World's Greatest Lover
  15. The World's Greatest Lover features an appearance by Dom DeLuise