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The Next Day to Robert Altman in 13 Steps

  1. The Next Day by Debbie Burton was arranged by Perry Botkin
  2. Perry Botkin played bongos for Bongo Rock '73
  3. Bongo Rock '73 features guitar played by Mike Deasy
  4. Mike Deasy played guitar for Aerial Pandemonium Ballet
  5. Aerial Pandemonium Ballet includes piano played by Michael Melvoin
  6. Michael Melvoin played piano for Aerial Ballet
  7. Aerial Ballet includes guitar played by Dennis Budimir
  8. Dennis Budimir played guitar for Duit on Mon Dei
  9. Duit on Mon Dei includes piano played by Van Dyke Parks
  10. Van Dyke Parks appears in The Two Jakes
  11. The Two Jakes was produced by Robert Evans
  12. Robert Evans produced Popeye
  13. Popeye was directed by Robert Altman