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Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses to Marty Feldman in 10 Steps

  1. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features drums played by Ringo Starr
  2. Ringo Starr was a member of the original Hollywood Vampires
  3. Hollywood Vampires was a celebrity drinking club that included Keith Moon
  4. Keith Moon played drums for Loop de Loop
  5. Loop de Loop features guitar played by Danny Kootch
  6. Danny Kootch played guitar for All My Life
  7. All My Life was published by Blackwood Music
  8. Blackwood Music published Good For God
  9. Good For God is heard in In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion)
  10. In God We Trust (or Gimme That Prime Time Religion) was directed by Marty Feldman