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Something True to Preston Epps in 14 Steps

  1. Something True was written by Perry Botkin
  2. Perry Botkin (the elder) played guitar for Bing Crosby
  3. Bing Crosby is one of the many artists that recorded Makin' Whoopee!
  4. Makin' Whoopee! was written by Walter Donaldson
  5. Walter Donaldson wrote Makin' Whoopee
  6. Makin' Whoopee was arranged by Gordon Jenkins
  7. Gordon Jenkins arranged I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now
  8. I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now was recorded by John Randolph Marr
  9. John Randolph Marr recorded 1941
  10. 1941 was produced by Rick Jarrard
  11. Rick Jarrard produced She's Leaving Home
  12. She's Leaving Home was written by John Lennon
  13. John Lennon executed the mix down for Bongo Rock '73
  14. Bongo Rock '73 was written by Preston Epps