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Robert Sherman to You're Breaking My Heart in 13 Steps

  1. Robert Sherman wrote You're Sixteen
  2. You're Sixteen features guitar played by Vini Poncia
  3. Vini Poncia wrote Lady Gaye
  4. Lady Gaye features bass played by Klaus Voormann
  5. Klaus Voormann played bass for Son of Schmilsson
  6. Son of Schmilsson includes guitar played by Peter Frampton
  7. Peter Frampton played guitar for The Lottery Song
  8. The Lottery Song features guitar played by Chris Spedding
  9. Chris Spedding played guitar for Nilsson Schmilsson
  10. Nilsson Schmilsson includes percussion played by Richard Perry
  11. Richard Perry produced Coconut
  12. Coconut was covered by Cynthia Henderson
  13. Cynthia Henderson recorded You're Breaking My Heart