Ringo to Cowboy in 14 Steps
- Ringo was produced by Richard Perry
- Richard Perry produced Goodnight Vienna
- Goodnight Vienna was recorded by Ringo Starr
- Ringo Starr sang Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
- Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was arranged by Van Dyke Parks
- Van Dyke Parks played keyboards for ...That's the Way It Is
- ...That's the Way It Is includes keyboards played by Jane Getz
- Jane Getz was born in Chicago
- Chicago was written by John Marascalco
- John Marascalco wrote Do You Wanna (Have Some Fun)
- Do You Wanna (Have Some Fun) was written by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson sang Living Without You
- Living Without You was written by Randy Newman
- Randy Newman played piano for Cowboy