Richard Creamer to Bowling Green, Kentucky in 13 Steps
- Richard Creamer took the famous photo of Anne Murray with the Hollywood Vampires
- Hollywood Vampires was a celebrity drinking club that included Ringo Starr
- Ringo Starr recorded Goodnight Vienna
- Goodnight Vienna was produced by Richard Perry
- Richard Perry played percussion for Nilsson Schmilsson
- Nilsson Schmilsson includes guitar played by Chris Spedding
- Chris Spedding played guitar for Son of Dracula
- Son of Dracula includes bass played by Klaus Voormann
- Klaus Voormann played bass for Son of Schmilsson
- Son of Schmilsson includes guitar played by John Uribe
- John Uribe played guitar for The Lottery Song
- The Lottery Song was recorded by Bill Lloyd
- Bill Lloyd was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky