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Nilsson Sings Newman to Cryan' Shames in 12 Steps

  1. Nilsson Sings Newman is a favorite album of Anne Murray
  2. Anne Murray was famously photographed with the Hollywood Vampires
  3. Hollywood Vampires was a celebrity drinking club that included Ringo Starr
  4. Ringo Starr played percussion for Pussy Cats
  5. Pussy Cats includes guitar played by Jesse Ed Davis
  6. Jesse Ed Davis played guitar for All My Life
  7. All My Life was arranged by John Lennon
  8. John Lennon married Yoko Ono
  9. Yoko Ono wrote Silver Horse
  10. Silver Horse was arranged by Harry Nilsson
  11. Harry Nilsson produced Rainmaker
  12. Rainmaker was covered by Cryan' Shames