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Lay Down Your Arms to Pussy Cats in 12 Steps

  1. Lay Down Your Arms was written by Harry Nilsson
  2. Harry Nilsson wrote I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City
  3. I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City was produced by Rick Jarrard
  4. Rick Jarrard produced Escape Possible
  5. Escape Possible was published by Six Continents Music
  6. Six Continents Music published The Wailing of the Willow
  7. The Wailing of the Willow was covered by Astrud Gilberto
  8. Astrud Gilberto recorded The Puppy Song
  9. The Puppy Song by Mary Hopkin was produced by Paul McCartney
  10. Paul McCartney appeared in a 1994 Public Service Announcement for Recording Artists, Actors, and Athletes Against Drunk Driving
  11. Recording Artists, Actors, and Athletes Against Drunk Driving created a PSA featuring Ringo Starr
  12. Ringo Starr played percussion for Pussy Cats