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Laughin' Man to The Point! in 12 Steps

  1. Laughin' Man was written by Harry Nilsson
  2. Harry Nilsson produced Perhaps This is All a Dream
  3. Perhaps This is All a Dream features percussion played by Ray Cooper
  4. Ray Cooper played percussion for Son of Dracula
  5. Son of Dracula includes guitar played by Chris Spedding
  6. Chris Spedding played guitar for The Lottery Song
  7. The Lottery Song features percussion played by Milt Holland
  8. Milt Holland played percussion for Aerial Ballet
  9. Aerial Ballet includes violin played by James Getzoff
  10. James Getzoff played violin for ...That's the Way It Is
  11. ...That's the Way It Is includes violin played by Arnold Belnick
  12. Arnold Belnick played violin for The Point!