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Lady Gaye to December 6 in 14 Steps

  1. Lady Gaye features guitar played by Danny Kortchmar
  2. Danny Kortchmar wrote (Thursday) Here's Why I Did Not Go To Work Today
  3. (Thursday) Here's Why I Did Not Go To Work Today was sung by Harry Nilsson
  4. Harry Nilsson recorded Harry
  5. Harry is a song by Eric Idle
  6. Eric Idle produced Flash Harry
  7. Flash Harry includes guitar played by Fred Tackett
  8. Fred Tackett played guitar for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  9. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was sung by Ringo Starr
  10. Ringo Starr produced Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation
  11. Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation features percussion played by Ray Cooper
  12. Ray Cooper played percussion for The Lottery Song
  13. The Lottery Song was covered by Bill Lloyd
  14. Bill Lloyd was born on December 6