I Am Waiting to Henry Ferber in 15 Steps
- I Am Waiting was sung by Harry Nilsson
- Harry Nilsson produced I'm Popeye the Sailor Man
- I'm Popeye the Sailor Man was arranged by Van Dyke Parks
- Van Dyke Parks appears in Popeye
- Popeye featured Robin Williams
- Robin Williams was born on July 21
- July 21 is the birthday of Mel Damski
- Mel Damski directed Yellowbeard
- Yellowbeard features an appearance by Eric Idle
- Eric Idle wrote and sang Harry
- Harry includes drums played by Jim Gordon
- Jim Gordon played percussion for Aerial Ballet
- Aerial Ballet includes violin played by Tibor Zelig
- Tibor Zelig played violin for ...That's the Way It Is
- ...That's the Way It Is includes violin played by Henry Ferber