In 2017, ylayali recorded a bizarre cover of Harry Nilsson's "He Needs Me" for an album called Juicyfruit Presents: Music: the 21 Best Songs Used in Cinema History.
In 2022 ylayali (Francis Lyons) released an original song of his with the same title - "He Needs Me" - which was inspired by Nilsson's song:
Ripping off Harry Nilsson / Shelley Duvall with this one. Though their version was created for the 1980 live-action Popeye movie (and that’s really where it shines), I first heard “He Needs Me” in the soundtrack of Punch Drunk Love when my dad was obsessively watching it sometime in the mid 2000s and it’s been stuck in my head since then.
-- ylayali (2022)
"He Needs Me" by ylayali