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Gil Garfield to Phantasm in 11 Steps

  1. Gil Garfield wrote As I Wander Lonely
  2. As I Wander Lonely was produced by Rick Jarrard
  3. Rick Jarrard produced Little Cowboy
  4. Little Cowboy was written by Harry Nilsson
  5. Harry Nilsson produced Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation
  6. Frankenstein, Merlin & The Operation features percussion played by Ray Cooper
  7. Ray Cooper played percussion for Perhaps This is All a Dream
  8. Perhaps This is All a Dream was produced by Ringo Starr
  9. Ringo Starr played percussion for Duit on Mon Dei
  10. Duit on Mon Dei was arranged by Fredric Myrow
  11. Fredric Myrow composed the score for Phantasm