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Unichappell Music to Mike McBride in 12 Steps

  1. Unichappell Music published Buy My Album
  2. Buy My Album was produced by Harry Nilsson
  3. Harry Nilsson testified before Congress in 1984 on February 24
  4. February 24 is the birthday of Nicky Hopkins
  5. Nicky Hopkins played piano for Son of Dracula
  6. Son of Dracula includes guitar played by Klaus Voormann
  7. Klaus Voormann was a member of Manfred Mann
  8. Manfred Mann members included Jack Bruce
  9. Jack Bruce played bass for Too Many Cooks
  10. Too Many Cooks was produced by John Lennon
  11. John Lennon arranged Loop de Loop
  12. Loop de Loop features hand claps by Mike McBride