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The Cheers to Jimmy Deuchar Quintet in 12 Steps

  1. The Cheers members included Perry Botkin
  2. Perry Botkin arranged the music for the first album by The Collage
  3. Collage recorded The Story Of Rock And Roll
  4. The Story Of Rock And Roll was published by Beechwood Music Corporation
  5. Beechwood Music Corporation published 1941
  6. 1941 was produced by Rick Jarrard
  7. Rick Jarrard produced Escape Possible
  8. Escape Possible was published by Six Continents Music
  9. Six Continents Music published Det Kan Val Va Sa Har
  10. Det Kan Val Va Sa Har was written by Ian Freebairn-Smith
  11. Ian Freebairn-Smith wrote The Wailing of the Willow
  12. The Wailing of the Willow was recorded by Jimmy Deuchar Quintet