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...That's the Way It Is to Eddi Reader in 10 Steps

  1. ...That's the Way It Is includes saxophone played by Gene Cipriano
  2. Gene Cipriano played saxophone for Duit on Mon Dei
  3. Duit on Mon Dei includes piano played by Van Dyke Parks
  4. Van Dyke Parks arranged Back Off Boogaloo
  5. Back Off Boogaloo features guitar played by Richie Zito
  6. Richie Zito played guitar for Drumming is My Madness
  7. Drumming is My Madness features bass played by Dennis Belfield
  8. Dennis Belfield played bass for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  9. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was written by Harry Nilsson
  10. Harry Nilsson is a favorite artist of Eddi Reader