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Richie Zito to The Dwight Twilley Band in 12 Steps

  1. Richie Zito played guitar for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  2. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses features drums played by Ringo Starr
  3. Ringo Starr wrote Lady Gaye
  4. Lady Gaye features bass played by Klaus Voormann
  5. Klaus Voormann played bass for Pussy Cats
  6. Pussy Cats includes saxophone played by Bobby Keys
  7. Bobby Keys played sax for Silver Horse
  8. Silver Horse was written by Yoko Ono
  9. Yoko Ono wrote Tears Dry
  10. Tears Dry was sung by Harry Nilsson
  11. Harry Nilsson appeared in The Wacko Saturday Morning Preview and Other Good Stuff Special
  12. The Wacko Saturday Morning Preview and Other Good Stuff Special included a musical appearance by The Dwight Twilley Band