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Remember (Christmas) to Me and My Arrow in 12 Steps

  1. Remember (Christmas) was published by Blackwood Music
  2. Blackwood Music published Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
  3. Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga features saxophone played by Bobby Keys
  4. Bobby Keys played saxophone for Son of Dracula
  5. Son of Dracula includes trombone played by Jim Price
  6. Jim Price played trombone for Nilsson Schmilsson
  7. Nilsson Schmilsson was recorded by Harry Nilsson
  8. Harry Nilsson wrote Gentlemen Friend
  9. Gentlemen Friend was published by Unichappell Music
  10. Unichappell Music published The Wailing of the Willow
  11. The Wailing of the Willow was published by Six Continents Music
  12. Six Continents Music published Me and My Arrow