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Nobody Cares about the Railroads Anymore to Max Colpet in 11 Steps

  1. Nobody Cares about the Railroads Anymore was published by Unichappell Music
  2. Unichappell Music published Lyckan Ar En Valp
  3. Lyckan Ar En Valp was written by Harry Nilsson
  4. Harry Nilsson wrote Ambush
  5. Ambush was published by Blackwood Music
  6. Blackwood Music published The Moonbeam Song
  7. The Moonbeam Song was recorded by Cynthia Henderson
  8. Cynthia Henderson recorded Coconut
  9. Coconut was recorded by Liesbeth List
  10. Liesbeth List recorded Gemeinsam
  11. Gemeinsam was written by Max Colpet