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Nilsson Schmilsson to October 2 in 14 Steps

  1. Nilsson Schmilsson includes bass played by Klaus Voormann
  2. Klaus Voormann played bass for Good For God
  3. Good For God features guitar played by Jesse Ed Davis
  4. Jesse Ed Davis played guitar for Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga
  5. Mucho Mungo-Mt. Elga was arranged by John Lennon
  6. John Lennon was a member of the Beatles
  7. The Beatles recorded She's Leaving Home
  8. She's Leaving Home was sung by Harry Nilsson
  9. Harry Nilsson sang I Said Goodbye To Me
  10. I Said Goodbye To Me was produced by Rick Jarrard
  11. Rick Jarrard produced The Tree
  12. The Tree is heard in Skidoo
  13. Skidoo starred Groucho Marx
  14. Groucho Marx was born on October 2