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Loop de Loop to All For The Beatles in 11 Steps

  1. Loop de Loop features trombone played by Chuck Findley
  2. Chuck Findley played trombone for Pussy Cats
  3. Pussy Cats includes drums played by Ringo Starr
  4. Ringo Starr played drums for Drumming is My Madness
  5. Drumming is My Madness features trombone played by Bruce Paulson
  6. Bruce Paulson played trombone for Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses
  7. Stop and Take the Time to Smell the Roses was arranged by Van Dyke Parks
  8. Van Dyke Parks attended the funeral of Harry Nilsson
  9. Harry Nilsson sang Born In Grenada
  10. Born In Grenada was published by Robin Hood Music Co.
  11. Robin Hood Music Co. published All For The Beatles